Curriculum Vitae
- Current: PhD Student, Kinesiology (Neuromechanics), University of British Columbia
- 2021: M.Sc., Kinesiology (Neuromechanics), University of British Columbia
- 2018: B.Kin., Kinesiology and Health Sciences, University of British Columbia
- 2016: Diploma, Human Kinetics (Exercise Science), Capilano University
Journal Articles - Published
- Eschelmuller, G., Szarka, A., Gandossi, B., Inglis, J. T., & Chua, R. (2023). The effects of periodic and noisy tendon vibration on a kinesthetic targeting task. Experimental Brain Research.
- Grose, G., Manzone, D., Eschelmuller, G., Peters, R., Carpenter, M.G., Inglis, J.T., Chua, R. (2022). The effects of eccentric exercise-induced fatigue on position sense during goal-directed movement. Journal of Applied Physiology, 132(4), 1005-1019.
- Eschelmuller, G., Chua, R., Carpenter, M. G., & Inglis, J. T. (2021). The acute effects of periodic and noisy tendon vibration on wrist muscle stretch responses. Neuroscience Letters, 764, 136279.
- Eschelmuller, G., Mildren, R. L., Blouin, J.-S., Carpenter, M. G., & Inglis, J. T. (2020). Frequency characteristics of heteronymous responses evoked by Achilles tendon vibration during quiet stance. Neuroscience Letters, 736, 135290.
- Mildren, R. L., Schmidt, M. E., Eschelmuller, G., Carpenter, M. G., Blouin, J., & Inglis, J. T. (2020). Influence of age on the frequency characteristics of the soleus muscle response to Achilles tendon vibration during standing. The Journal of Physiology, 598(22), 5231-5243.
Journal Articles - In Review/Preprints
- Eschelmuller, G., Kim, H., Inglis, J.T., Chua, R., (2025). Dual agonist and antagonist muscle vibration produces a bias in end point with no change in variability. bioRxiv 2025.03.03.641240; doi:
Journal Articles - In Preparation
- Eschelmuller, G., Szarka, A., Inglis, J. Timothy., Chua, R., (in preparation). Investigating explicit and implicit sensorimotor adaptation in a bimanual aiming task.
- Eschelmuller, G., Szarka, A., Gandossi, B., Inglis, J. Timothy., Chua, R., (in preparation). Agonist/antagonist muscle tendon vibration improves performance in a visual-proprioceptive discrimination task during active but not passive movements.
- Eschelmuller, G., Zhang, J., Kim, H., Inglis, J.T., Chua, R., (in preparation). Kinesthetic Illusions induced through tendon vibration depend on the reliability of the proprioceptive feedback. A manuscript to be submitted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal.
Conference Publications
Conference Presentations - Refereed
- Eschelmuller, G., Mildren, R. L., Blouin, J. S., Carpenter, M. G., & Inglis, J. T. (2019). Heteronymous muscle responses to noisy achilles tendon vibration during standing. Journal of Exercise, Movement, and Sport (SCAPPS refereed abstracts repository), 51(1), 20-20.
- Eschelmuller, G., Mildren, R. L., Blouin, J. S., Carpenter, M. G., & Inglis, J. T. (2019). Heteronymous muscle responses to noisy achilles tendon vibration during standing. Journal of Exercise, Movement, and Sport (SCAPPS refereed abstracts repository), 51(1), 20-20.
Conference Abstracts - Refereed
- Butler, N., Szarka, A., Eschelmuller, G., Wu, Z., Kim, H., & Chua, R. (2024). Effects of online vs terminal error on implicit adaptation to target jumps. Journal of Exercise, Movement, and Sport (SCAPPS refereed abstracts repository), 55(1).
- Szarka, A., Eschelmuller, G., Butler, N., Kim, H., Inglis, J.T., Chua, R. (2024) The role of afferent vs efferent signals in implicit sensorimotor adaptation. Journal of Exercise, Movement, and Sport (SCAPPS refereed abstracts repository), 55(1)
- Eschelmuller, G., Zhang, J., Szarka, A., Butler, N.W., Kim, H., Inglis, J.T., Chua, R. (2024). The effects of agonist and antagonist muscle tendon vibration on kinesthetic targeting tasks. Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL.
- Szarka, A., Eschelmuller, G., Butler, N.W., Kim, H., Inglis, J.T., Chua, R. (2024). The role of afferent vs efferent signals in implicit sensorimotor adaptation. Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL.
- Butler, N.W., Szarka, A., Eschelmuller, G., Kim, H., Chua, R. (2024). Implicit adaptation to online vs terminal target error. Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL.
- Sutherland, K., Eschelmuller, G., Inglis, J.T., Carpenter, M.G. (2024). The effects of postural constraints on the frequency characteristics of the stretch reflex pathways during standing. Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, IL.
- Eschelmuller, G., Szarka, A., Gandossi, B., Carpenter, M.G., Inglis, J. T., & Chua, R. (2023). A cautionary note on the use of suprathreshold noisy tendon vibration. Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC.
- Eschelmuller, G., Szarka, A., Inglis, J.T., Chua, R. (2023). Exploring visuomotor adaptation in a bimanual aiming task. Neural control of movement conference, Victoria, Canada.
- Szarka, A., Eschelmuller, G., Inglis, J.T., Ivry, R., Kim, H., Chua, R. (2023). Effects of vibrotactile stimulation on discrimination of visual-proprioceptive reach trajectories. Neural control of movement conference, Victoria, Canada.
- Sutherland, K., Eschelmuller, G., Inglis, J.T., Carpenter, M.G. (2023). Examining task dependent Achilles tendon evoked responses during standing. Neural control of movement conference, Victoria, Canada.
- Schmidt, M., Eschelmuller, G., Chua, R., Inglis, J.T., Carpenter, M.G., (2023). Ankle plantarflexor muscle response scaling to ramp stretches and noisy tendon vibration during stance. Neural control of movement conference, Victoria, Canada.
- Eschelmuller, G., Gandossi, B., Szarka, A., Inglis, J.T., Chua, R. (2022). The effects of periodic and noisy tendon vibration during a proprioceptive targeting task. Journal of Exercise, Movement, and Sport (SCAPPS refereed abstracts repository)
- Eschelmuller, G., Gandossi, G., Inglis, J.T., Ivry, R., Kim, H., Chua, R. (2022). Discrimination of visual-proprioceptive trajectories during passive movements with muscle vibration. Journal of Exercise, Movement, and Sport (SCAPPS refereed abstracts repository)
- Szarka, A., Gandossi, B., Eschelmuller, G., Inglis, J.T., Ivry, R., Kim, H., Chua, R., (2022). Influence of muscle vibration on implicit sensorimotor adaptation. Journal of Exercise, Movement, and Sport (SCAPPS refereed abstracts repository)
- Eschelmuller, G., Chua, R., Carpenter, M., & Inglis, J. T. (2021). The effects of periodic and noisy tendon vibration on wrist flexor stretch responses. Journal of Exercise, Movement, and Sport (SCAPPS refereed abstracts repository), 52(1)
- Schmidt, M. E., Mildren, R. L., Eschelmuller, G., Carpenter, M. G., & Inglis, J. T. (2019). Age-related changes in soleus Ia reflex characteristics during quiet standing. Journal of Exercise, Movement, and Sport (SCAPPS refereed abstracts repository), 51(1), 58-58.
- Eschelmuller G, Mildren R, Blouin J, Carpenter M, Inglis J. (2019). Frequency Characteristics of Heteronymous Achilles Tendon Reflexes During Quiet Stance. International Society for Posture and Gait Online. International Society for Posture and Gait World Congress, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
- Mildren R, Eschelmuller G, Peters R, Blouin J, Carpenter M, Inglis J. (2019). Interaction Between Lower Limb Cutaneous and Muscle Afferent Pathways During Standing. International Society for Posture and Gait Online. International Society for Posture and Gait World Congress, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
- Schmidt M, Mildren R, Eschelmuller G, Blouin J, Carpenter M, Inglis J. (2019). Changes in Achilles Tendon Reflex Strength During Quiet Standing with Age. International Society for Posture and Gait Online. International Society for Posture and Gait World Congress, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
- Chua R, Grose G, Manzone D, Peters R, Eschelmuller G, Carpenter M, Inglis J. (2018). The Effects of Exercise-Induced Fatigue and Eccentric Muscle Damage on Kinesthesia. International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology Online. 22nd International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology Congress, Dublin, Ireland
- Eschelmuller G, Grose G, Manzone D, Peters R, Carpenter M, Inglis J, Chua R. (2018). The Effects of Exercise-Induced Fatigue and Eccentric Muscle Damage on Kinesthesia. Canadian Association of Neuroscience Online. Canadian Association of Neuroscience 12th Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada
- Mildren, R., Eschelmuller, G., Blouin, JS., Carpenter, M., Inglis, J. (2018). Foot Sole Cutaneous Signals Modulate Soleus Tendon Vibration Reflex Coupling During Standing. Canadian Association of Neuroscience Online. Canadian Association of Neuroscience 12th Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada
Presentations - Non-Refereed
- Eschelmuller G., & Mildren RL., Frequency Characteristics of Homonymous and Heteronymous Achilles Tendon Reflexes During Standing, Origins of Balance Deficits and Falls Research Cluster: Conference: Sensori-Motor Control of Balance & Movement: Animal and Humans Models, 2018
Teaching Experience
Teaching Assistant:
- KIN 411: Neuroanatomy of Human Movement (1x)
- KIN 313 (389): Neuromuscular Integration of Human Movement (4x)
- KIN 131: Systems Physiology II (1x)
- KIN 419 (357): Laboratory Investigations in Neuromechanical Kinesiology (3x)
- KIN 190: Anatomy & Physiology I (1x)
- KIN 335: Advance Applications of Exercise Physiology (1x)
Guest lectures
- Capilano University: Researcher in practice (2023, 2024)
- University of British Columbia: Spinal Motor Circuits - NRSC 552
Technical Skills
Programming languages:
- MATLAB: Data analysis/visualization/experimental control
- Python: Data analysis/Statistics/Computational Modeling/General Purpose
Data collection:
Proficient in various data collection and experimental techniques used in motor control and human neurophysiology research, including electromyography, force transducers, accelerometers, and force plates. Proficient in data collection software Spike2 from Cambridge Electronics Design.Service and Mentorship
Teaching Assistant Mentor
Mentored new teaching assistants in the School of Kinesiology, providing guidance on teaching strategies, course administration, and student engagement.
PhD Representative, School of Kinesiology (2022–2023)
Served as a liaison between PhD students and faculty, advocating for student needs and organizing academic and professional development initiatives.
Informal Mentorship
- Provided guidance to undergraduate and graduate students in the lab on experimental design, data analysis, and academic writing.
- Assisted students in developing technical skills related to MATLAB and Python for data analysis in neuromechanics research.
Other Educational Activties
2022 - Neuromatch Academy computational neuroscience summer school:
I completed both the interactive track and course project. Please see the following link for a detailed description of the content.
2025 – Neurotech microcredential course (in progress).
Neuroscience and Neurotechnology Primer - NeuroTech Microcredential Program